Cheuk Yin (Eric) Lin

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Ph.D. student,
Department of Computer Sciences,
University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Email: cylin AT cs DOT wisc DOT edu

About me

I am a fifth year Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison and am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Jelena Diakonikolas. I am primarily interested in the area of large-scale optimization methods and their applications to machine learning. My current research work aims to design novel optimization algorithms with solid theoretical guarantees and good practical performance.

Before moving to Madison, I completed my M.S. degree in Computer Science at Boston Unversity in 2019, where I had the great opportunity to work on convex optimization with Prof. Lorenzo Orecchia and Jelena. Prior to that, I obtained my B.A. degree in Mathematics at the University of Cambridge in 2015, supervised by Professor Christopher Tout and Dr Paul Russell.



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(* denotes equal contribution, α-β denotes alphabetical ordering)


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